Our mission is to strengthen the scientific expertise available in the Caribbean islands through the study and conservation of the region’s exceptional biodiversity. To this end, we support student studies and research projects, mainly at master’s and PhD levels. Below are the student research projects supported by Caribaea Initiative.

Please note that the association does not respond to unsolicited requests for internships or financial support.

Completed projects

Two urban green spaces in Habana City as worthy habitats for butterfly conservation

Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master project Cuba

Effect of climate change on the geographic distribution of various ecomorphs in Cuban Anolis species

Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master project Cuba

Use of camera traps to quantify the population of birds in the forest of Poyen, a Biological Reserve in Guadeloupe

Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master project Guadeloupe

Use of camera traps to quantify the population of mammals within the forest of Poyen

Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master project Guadeloupe

Evaluation of effectiveness of current Protected Areas for conservation of bats diversity priority zones in the insular Caribbean

Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master project Cuba

Ecological drivers of species radiation in livebearing fishes of the genus Limia (Teleostei, Poeciliidae) in the Greater Antilles

Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master project Les Grandes Antilles

Factors explaining the IUCN status of terrestrial vertebrate species endemic to the insular Caribbean

Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master project Insular Caribbean

Use of camera traps to assess the influence of environmental factors on the presence and relative abundance of the Forest Thrush, Turdus lherminieri, in Guadeloupe

Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master project Guadeloupe