Full title: Controlling the Impact of Exotic Mammals on Biodiversity in the Antilles - CIMBA
Aims: To control the impact of exotic mammals on the biodiversity of several territories in the insular Caribbean through scientific studies, optimization of management methods, and awareness-raising actions.
Location: Guadeloupe, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic
Dates: 2024-2027
Summary: The CIMBA project aims to mitigate the impact of invasive exotic mammals on the biodiversity of the Antilles. Four species are particularly targeted: rats, mongooses, dogs, and cats. The project combines scientific studies, optimization of control techniques, and awareness-raising among local populations. Conducted in Guadeloupe, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic, it relies on strong regional collaboration and innovative approaches. This research-action project contributes to the preservation of local ecosystems while strengthening the capacities of involved stakeholders. Supported by the INTERREG Caribbean program, it is scheduled to conclude in September 2027.