A crucial question in conservation biology is to what extent species can adapt to climate change. To answer this question, researchers must combine field observations with carefully conducted experiments. Obtained results will be of help for making predictions about population trends and movements as well as for management.

Our first contribution in this area of research concerns the thermal ecology of Caribbean-endemic lizards.  We are also developing new projects on other Caribbean-endemic species.

Completed projects

Anolis porcatus © Raimundo López-Silvero
Anolis porcatus © Raimundo López-Silvero

Effect of climate change on the geographic distribution of various ecomorphs in Cuban Anolis species

Cuba Master project
  • Anaisa Cajigas-Gandia (Cuba)

Anolis allogus © Jehovanny Rodriguez
Anolis allogus © Jehovanny Rodriguez

Thermal ecology and evaporative water loss in Cuban lizards of the Anolis allogus species group

Cuba Master project
  • Rachel Batista-Alvarez (Cuba)